Friday, November 1, 2013

Trying Again

Going to try this posting thing (NaBloPoMo) again for November. I wasn't doing too badly for October, but then life just got in the way. November has its fair share of activities, but I'm hoping it will be better than last month. To get started, here are my kids last night as they prepared for trick or treating.

In the back we have Dr Who (the 11th Doctor) and a Weeping Angel (it's hard to see her wings, but they are there!) and in the front we have Darth Vader and a peacock!

Monday I'll be sharing a great recipe to use up leftover Halloween candy!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck! I'm doing NaBloPoMo too! I did it 2 years ago and taking it on once again. It is doable. :)
