Monday, February 17, 2014

Menu Plan Menu: February 17-23

Time for another menu plan :) I find that having a plan makes things so much easier, don't you? If I find myself not in the mood for what's on the menu on a given day, it's fairly easy to substitute another meal from the week. I don't feel committed at all. We have a Scout event on Saturday, so that's one less meal I need to worry about!

Pan fried pork chops
Creamed spinach
Crushed potatoes

Country fried steak
Mashed potatoes

Mashed potato patties
Scalloped corn

Some kind of chicken
Green beans

Date Night

Blue and Gold Banquet
Italian bread with butter


Braised pork shoulder
Cottage potatoes

Visit for even more ideas about what to have for supper!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pinewood Derby

A few weeks ago my younger sons Cub Scout Pack had their Pinewood Derby. For those not in the know, the Pinewood Derby is a racing event that the majority of Scouts participate in. They are given (or purchase) a wooden car kit that consists of a wooden block, axles, and wheels. Older boys may cut their cars out with some assistance while younger cubs are usually guided. Once cut, cars are sanded and painted, wheels are attached, and then they are weighted.

The Derby is an all day event, starting in the morning with the younger ranks. At least, that's how our Pack does it. Dens race against each other on a special track in several heats. At the end of the day there is an open category for anyone that might want to race their own car (parents, den leaders, siblings, ect).

The top two winners from each den move on to Districts, but there are three overall winners for each den, plus a winner for most original car. In the case that one of the top winners can not attend districts, the third place moves up. There is also a first, second, and third place for the open category.

It's a fun day, though long, and the kids always have a blast! This year, my youngest daughter decided she wanted to enter into the open category and made "Cheese on Wheels" with the help of her Grandpa. My Bear Cub also made a car that he dubbed "The Rapid Rider". Both did an excellent job with Sugar Booger (my cub) coming in third overall for the Bears and Princess (youngest daughter) coming in first for the open category. She was over the moon!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Snow Day

Not too long ago we got some snow. Now usually our weather isn't too bad. Especially in the winter. Fairly mild most of the time, maybe some rain. We have a few days of frigid temperatures in early February before it starts warming up and we're usually in the 60's by March.

This year, however, has been the exception. We've had colder than normal weather and snow more than once! Mind you, it's only been a few inches, but when you're not used to it, a few inches is pretty fun to play in! And play they did, with the exception of my oldest girl who thought it was much better to stay inside in her comfy pj's!

Even the cat enjoyed it!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day

Hello! Long time, no post, I know! I'm determined to better! Really. There's just a little thing called life that keeps getting in the way. I know part of it is that I need to manage my time better, but there are other factors involved. I am trying to do better. Slowly, slowly. Thank you to all that have stopped by little corner of the world. I hope to get to regular posting soon!

To be honest, Valentine's Day is my least favorite holiday out of everything. However, I do love to give gifts and make holidays fun for my kids, so I put my disdain aside and try my best for them :)

This year we kick off the day with Love Boxes:

Each box contains a balloon, chocolate, lollipop, puzzle, pencil, and scratch n'see ornament (robots for the boys and hearts for the girls). Everything came from the dollar store or my least favorite store (Walmart), so they were fairly inexpensive to put together)

To put them in a loving mood for school I made Chocolate Pancakes (served with whipped cream and Valentine sprinkles) and hot chocolate topped with pink, heart shaped marshmallows for breakfast.

The love theme continued at lunchtime with a heart shaped sandwich, red apple, white cheddar crackers, and a heart shaped brownie.

They eating supper with my in laws while DH and I go out to dinner, so I'm not making anything special for that, but I am picking up some mini cupcakes for them to have for dessert. No picture as I haven't bought them yet!

DH is getting homemade spiced nuts with a handmade card that says I'm nuts about you!

Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?