Monday, August 26, 2013
Well Look at That!
It's Monday and I'm actually posting my menu! Early, no less. We're in the home stretch for getting ready for Back to School, so the kids went to bed "on time" last night (no more staying up late!) and I will be waking them here shortly. As for me, I too had to get up "on time" and have been up and about for quite some time now. On to the menu!
Monday-Pan fried pork chops, cottage potatoes, some sort of vegetable. Not sure what.
Tuesday-Breakfast for dinner
Wednesday-Not entirely sure. We have a 6th grade orientation and open house for two kids. And it's DH's birthday. We may go out.
Thursday-Open house for two more kids, but I think we're going to have Swedish meatballs, mashed potatoes, and peas.
Friday-Date Night
Sunday-Sunday roast with new potatoes and carrots, salad
For more menu planing ideas, visit!
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
A Day Late and A Dollar Short
I really did mean to post my menu yesterday, but time just got away from me! What did I do? Well, a whole lot of nothing :) I read a book (The Chaperone...very good!), made supper, took my oldest son to the doctor, went to the bank...that sort of thing. Then, I had every intention of posting it earlier today and here it is, almost 11pm, and I'm just getting around to it! And I just know you're all on the edge of your seat wondering just what I'm going to make this week! I'm making two new recipes this week and will post recipes and reviews next week!
Fried cabbage
Steak San Marco
Cheesy Green Beans
Yummy Ribs
Roasted Red Potatoes
Creamed Spinach
(Our Anniversary. I think we're going out, but I'm still making supper for the kids)
Cola Chicken (crockpot)
Mashed Potatoes
Date Night
Not exactly sure yet
Of course, as always, head over to for more menu ideas!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Beauty Bath
Hello All!
Taking a break from my Saturday Spotlights to talk about something else: a Beauty Bath.
As you may be aware, vintage gals are advised that washing your hair should only be done about once a week, and while it might be a bit cliche, I like to wash mine on Saturday night. It gets me ready for the upcoming week which, in my almost vintage world, starts with Sunday and church.
Several, several years ago, I came across a book in the library...that I could have sworn was Betsy McCall, but now I can find neither hide nor hair of it. Upon further research, it could have been McCall's Guide to Teen Age Beauty and Glamour. At any rate, it was a book published in the early 60's. The thing I remember about it most was the mention of a beauty bath; a weekly time you took for yourself to pamper and primp.
I kept this idea in the back of my mind for a long time and finally started to make time for it (and by extension, myself) in my weekly routine. Because I don't take baths (I much prefer a shower), I modified it somewhat, but it's still delightful and still gives me time to myself.
Here's what I do:
First, gather your supplies. Supplies for a shower? Why yes indeed!
Nail polish remover
Nail clippers
Cuticle oil
Orange stick
Nail polish
Nail file
Shower cap
Foot Polish
Ponds Cold Cream
Bobby Pins or Curlers
The first thing I do is take off my makeup if I'm wearing any. I do that with my trusty Pond's. Now apply your masque ( I like Queen Helene's Mint Julep Masque). While that dries, take off your old nail polish and push back your cuticles. Step into your shower and wash your hair first. Put on your conditioner and put your hair in a shower cap (conditioner still in place!). Wash off your face. If using the foot polish, now is the time! I highly recommend Sally Hansen's Foot Polisher. I actually use it all over to get rid of dead skin. Once that is taken care of, use a washcloth and soap to firmly wash the body. Using a loofah, go over your elbows and knees to keep them smooth. Shave your legs and underarms. Take off the shower cap and rinse your hair.

Friday, August 16, 2013
A Challenge!
I'm so excited! I was perusing my blog list this morning and saw where Tasha and Rochelle are having a sewing challenge: Pick your favorite era and make something (anything!) but you must use cotton fabric. I think this is just the kick I need to get started on my Fall wardrobe. I went by Joann's today (they are having a fantastic sale...I may need to go back) and after much deliberation I decided on fabric. Once I got home I looked through my patterns and found one that I've had for some time and I've been wanting to make, just haven't gotten around to it. Here is the fabric and the pattern I've chosen:
I will be sewing the second view (the shorter one) and am debating sleeve length. I may keep the shorter sleeves as I have both a red cardigan and a green cardigan for warmth if needed. In case it's hard to tell in the photo, the fabric is a grayed navy blue with little cream colored flowers. The other fabric that I absolutely loved was a grey with silvery dots. I'm seriously thinking of going back and getting some of it to make another dress as I can just picture it in my mind. While thrifting I picked up a length of red corduroy that I think will become a skirt, too. Things are shaping up in my closet!
If you're so inclined to join in this fun challenge, visit Tasha or Rochelle and get the scoop!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Building a Vintage Wardrobe
I have been thinking about vintage a lot more recently. I'd like to embrace it fully, truly. Currently though, I live in capri's and short sleeved blouses. Not an authentic vintage look, but cute.
I think that at the heart of vintage is accessorizing. In the case of accessorizing, vintage goes beyond just baubles. Accessorizing encompasses hair, makeup, shoes, bag, ect. My favorite are brooches. I love a good novelty brooch or something that looks pretty. I have quite a few that I have picked up at the thrift for not much money.
Shoes are another accessory that I have several of. Unfortunately, all of the shoes I have that are "vintagey" are slanted toward Autumn of Winter.
I have a few purses that are somewhat vintage. I'd love to find a navy purse for the Fall (it's on my thrift list).
I do not have a lot of earrings or bangles. They are also on the list.
While thinking about clothing recently, I realized that I don't have a lot of vintage/vintage inspired Summer wear. I have several blouses that I wear all the time that have a vintage look to them, but as far as bottoms go, I just have some capri's. Not so vintage there!
Since Summer is coming to an end, I have decided to look towards the coming cooler months and start building my wardrobe for the Fall. I may slide a bit into Winter as well, but the focus will be on Autumn. I was inspired by Liz over at to come up with a color palette. I've also been inspired by Isis as to proper pieces (though I don't know how exact I'll be there).
First up is the palette. Looking at items I already have and items I want to make, I have decided on
The red, grey, and navy are set. I love them all and I think they all work great together! I am undecided on weather to use white or cream, but just now while typing I had a conversation with myself in my head and have decided on cream. The mint green is the undecided. I really like it though, and can picture it with several things. Thoughts?
On to pieces. I'm looking at perhaps making:
And possibly these. While my aesthetic is most definitely 1940's, there are a few patterns that are 1950. They are 40's enough to not make much of a difference to me and I like the way they look. I also have a few patterns in my collection that I may use.
I am for sure making this and this in grey and red respectively. I think I may make this in navy or maybe mint green. I think I have a good start to my Fall wardrobe, yes?
I think that at the heart of vintage is accessorizing. In the case of accessorizing, vintage goes beyond just baubles. Accessorizing encompasses hair, makeup, shoes, bag, ect. My favorite are brooches. I love a good novelty brooch or something that looks pretty. I have quite a few that I have picked up at the thrift for not much money.
Shoes are another accessory that I have several of. Unfortunately, all of the shoes I have that are "vintagey" are slanted toward Autumn of Winter.
I have a few purses that are somewhat vintage. I'd love to find a navy purse for the Fall (it's on my thrift list).
I do not have a lot of earrings or bangles. They are also on the list.
While thinking about clothing recently, I realized that I don't have a lot of vintage/vintage inspired Summer wear. I have several blouses that I wear all the time that have a vintage look to them, but as far as bottoms go, I just have some capri's. Not so vintage there!
Since Summer is coming to an end, I have decided to look towards the coming cooler months and start building my wardrobe for the Fall. I may slide a bit into Winter as well, but the focus will be on Autumn. I was inspired by Liz over at to come up with a color palette. I've also been inspired by Isis as to proper pieces (though I don't know how exact I'll be there).
First up is the palette. Looking at items I already have and items I want to make, I have decided on
The red, grey, and navy are set. I love them all and I think they all work great together! I am undecided on weather to use white or cream, but just now while typing I had a conversation with myself in my head and have decided on cream. The mint green is the undecided. I really like it though, and can picture it with several things. Thoughts?
On to pieces. I'm looking at perhaps making:
And possibly these. While my aesthetic is most definitely 1940's, there are a few patterns that are 1950. They are 40's enough to not make much of a difference to me and I like the way they look. I also have a few patterns in my collection that I may use.
I am for sure making this and this in grey and red respectively. I think I may make this in navy or maybe mint green. I think I have a good start to my Fall wardrobe, yes?
Monday, August 12, 2013
Menu Plan Monday (August 12-18)
What a day! First, my FIL decided to take everyone out to supper (to Outback no less!) and then my sweet, oldest son (11) made his Tenderfoot rank in Scouts.
On a side note...I can't believe how fast August is flying by! It will be September before I know it!
The menu plan for this week is pretty short and sweet. The children and I are going on a mini vacation (just an overnight) with the in laws (to Luray Caverns) and that runs us to the weekend. Here's the menu:
Tuesday-GF Pasta Bake
Wednesday-Leave for mini vacation (also youngest son's Birthday!)
Thursday-Come home from vacation. MIL said we will go out for supper
Friday-Date Night
Saturday-Not sure. We usually go out on Saturday night as well as the kids are with my in laws. Youngest DS and I have a Show and Sell that afternoon for popcorn (Cub Scouts), so I think we will just go out.
Sunday-Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, peas, salad, grain free chocolate cupcakes with peppermint frosting
For more menu ideas visit!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Saturday Spotlight
I really did want to do a few other posts this week. What is it about Summer that makes one not want to do anything at all? I haven't done much of anything this week except sit around. I was so lazy! Next week, I will give it another go and see if I can't get more than one post done! Now, onto my Saturday Spotlight.
Today I would like to introduce you to Erin and her blog, Sunny Side Up. I am trying to remember when I first came across this beautiful blog. I believe I followed a link from another blog...perhaps The Glamorous Housewife? I'm not entirely sure. But come across it I did and I'm so glad. Sunny Side Up is filled with fantastic organization ideas, fun projects, and just great tips all around.
It can be hard to keep an organized house and run after three kids. Erin makes it look not only doable, but fun too! Currently, Erin and her family are awaiting completion of their new house and, from time to time, Erin shares progress of that as well. (It's absolutely gorgeous!)
Erin blogs about organizing, scrapbooking, fashion, and other things. She shares tips, projects, tutorials and more! Here's a glimpse into Sunny Side Up (note: all images are from Sunny Side Up)
Today I would like to introduce you to Erin and her blog, Sunny Side Up. I am trying to remember when I first came across this beautiful blog. I believe I followed a link from another blog...perhaps The Glamorous Housewife? I'm not entirely sure. But come across it I did and I'm so glad. Sunny Side Up is filled with fantastic organization ideas, fun projects, and just great tips all around.
It can be hard to keep an organized house and run after three kids. Erin makes it look not only doable, but fun too! Currently, Erin and her family are awaiting completion of their new house and, from time to time, Erin shares progress of that as well. (It's absolutely gorgeous!)
Erin blogs about organizing, scrapbooking, fashion, and other things. She shares tips, projects, tutorials and more! Here's a glimpse into Sunny Side Up (note: all images are from Sunny Side Up)
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Saturday Spotlight
Saturday Spotlight
It's another Saturday Spotlight here on the old blog. I know I missed last week but I was busy getting things in gear for our vacation.
Today, I'd like to tell you about By Gum, By Golly! By Gum, By Golly is a fantastically fun blog written by Tasha. Tasha is an all around vintage lover and crafty girl. She and her partner, Mel, have a fabulous mid-century house that they are renovating in a super retro way. Not only does Tasha give updates on the remodel, she shares crafts, sewing projects, knitting projects and more. How she manages everything is a secret I'd like to know :) Stop by and give it a whirl! You'll be glad you did!
Scenes from the blog (note: all photos from By Gum, By Golly!)
Tasha's fun heading:
A glimpse of the bathroom redo:
One of many tutorials:
Love this hair! I use this method a lot! (Thanks, Tasha!):
One of Tasha's many handknits (so talented!):
It's another Saturday Spotlight here on the old blog. I know I missed last week but I was busy getting things in gear for our vacation.
Today, I'd like to tell you about By Gum, By Golly! By Gum, By Golly is a fantastically fun blog written by Tasha. Tasha is an all around vintage lover and crafty girl. She and her partner, Mel, have a fabulous mid-century house that they are renovating in a super retro way. Not only does Tasha give updates on the remodel, she shares crafts, sewing projects, knitting projects and more. How she manages everything is a secret I'd like to know :) Stop by and give it a whirl! You'll be glad you did!
Scenes from the blog (note: all photos from By Gum, By Golly!)
Tasha's fun heading:
A glimpse of the bathroom redo:
One of many tutorials:
Love this hair! I use this method a lot! (Thanks, Tasha!):
One of Tasha's many handknits (so talented!):
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